Quiz Composer: Self-scoring Interactive Quiz Generator

These self-scoring quizzes provide immediate feedback to students. After pressing "Score," the quiz reports which questions were incorrect. This allows the student to try again and achieve the correct answer. Here's a sample Multiple Choice Quiz with Drop Down Menu used to review reading vocabulary. Here's a sample Fill in the Boxes Quiz used with an image to label a history map.

  1. Type the quiz name in the the title box.
  2. Enter an html color code for the background. (The default is white.)
  3. Enter the text for your quiz in the text box. You may also type any directions to the student.
  4. Text will appear in paragraph form on quiz.
  5. Create line breaks by pressing "enter."
  6. You can use html tags to format your text: <i>italics</i> <b>bold</b>
  7. Place multiple choice options in square brackets separated by commas.
  8. Place an asterisk * before the correct answer.
  9. For example:
    • Bananas are [red,purple,*yellow].
    • Grapes are [*purple,orange,brown].
    • Milk is [purple,*white,orange].
  10. Check "Answer Verification." Press "Submit."
    Quiz will display in browser window with correct answers showing.
  11. Use the browser back arrow to return to the generator to make changes.
  12. Uncheck "Answer Verification." Press "Submit."
  13. Save the file as "Web Page, HTML only."
  14. Upload your quiz to your web site or save the page to your computer.
  1. Type the quiz name in the the title box.
  2. Enter an html color code for the background. (The default is white.)
  3. Enter the text for your quiz in the text box. You may also type any directions to the student.
  4. Text will appear in paragraph form on quiz.
  5. Create line breaks by pressing "enter."
  6. You can use html tags to format your text: <i>italics</i> <b>bold</b>
  7. Place curly brackets { } around desired answer.
  8. Answers are case sensitive and must match exactly to be scored as correct.
  9. For Example:
    • Sue lost {her} hat.
    • Joe found {his} book.
    • Our neighbors got {their} mail.
  10. Check "Answer Verification." Press "Submit."
    Quiz will display in browser window with correct answers showing.
  11. Use the browser back arrow to return to the generator to make changes.
  12. Uncheck "Answer Verification." Press "Submit."
  13. Save the file as "Web Page, HTML only."
  14. Upload your quiz to your web site or save the page to your computer.
  • Title of Quiz:             
  • Background Color:  
  • Text:

Answer Verification

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