Word Scramble: Spelling Worksheet Generator

Create fun spelling homework sheets in which students unscramble each word and write it correctly. The homework sheet can be printed or saved for later use from your browser. The generator works best with words with four or more letters. Word Scramble uses a 18pt primary printing font.

  1. Follow the example below to enter your word list in the Word Box.
  2. After each word, press "enter" to insert a return.
  3. For example:
    • apple
    • banana
    • grape
    • lemon
    • melon
    • peach
  4. When your list is complete, click "Submit."
  5. Your Word Scramble worksheet will appear in your browser's window.
  6. Use the browser back arrow to return to the generator to make changes. Click "Submit" again.
  7. From the file menu of your browser, select "Print Preview."
  8. Use the browser's "Page Setup" to set margins and orientation.
  9. About 18 words will fit on one page with half-inch margins.
  10. Print from the browser.

Lesson Title:

Word Box:


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